As the largest private orthopaedics clinic in Estonia, The Hospital of Orthopaedics has been at the forefront of the drive to improve clinical and service standards across the sector. Standards for quality and best practice evolve continuously. Our constant challenge is to maintain compliance with those standards in each health care and management practice area.
The national, European Commission and other regulatory requirements only strengthen the health care sector. Every hospital is required to demonstrate that it has the appropriate, fully trained and operational human and physical resources to:
Our commitment as a hospital is to best quality, best practice and best outcomes in everything that we do.
That demands a total focus on professionalism and teamwork, constant vigilance and attention to detail to deliver continuous improvement. External accreditation through recognised health care authorities provides independent proof that we do as we say, that we live the commitment that we make.
Our systems, procedures and protocols, our routines for checking and re-checking and continuous training of our people are all integral to the way in which everyone does his or her job every minute of every day.
In so doing, we create and sustain a belief in caring about every detail and every individual. We do everything we can to compensate for the frailties and fallibility of that most valuable of resources – the people who deliver and receive our services.
Continuous learning from the feedback of external accreditation, internal appraisals, audits and reporting, patient satisfaction surveys, commentary or complaints enables us to drive standards of performance ever upwards.
In addition, we not only endeavour to meet – and where possible exceed – the standards set inside and outside the organisation, but actively communicate transparently how we perform against them. People inside and outside the organisation can then make an informed choice about delivering or receiving health care services through us.
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